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Building Extreme Teams

Cultivating the Mindset of Champions

Extreme Teams®

Working as a member of a high-performing team is invigorating, challenging and rewarding. Where ever your group is in its development…forming, storming, norming or performing…we’ll work with you and your team to create a customized team building program to accelerate their development. Teams who are already functioning at a high level, will benefit from becoming an Extreme Team®. A team that goes beyond high-performing to delivering exceptional performance with extreme energy, enthusiasm and relationships that last a lifetime.

We start with two team assessments and interviews to discover where your team is now. We provide you with a detailed assessment and a report card. Then, we create a customized program to meet the group where they are and to propel the group forward. For example, we may work with you and your team to align around a common vision, purpose and goal. Or, we may facilitate the clarification of roles and responsibilities. Or perhaps, we will focus on group processes (rules of the road, decision making, problem solving, conflict resolution), building interpersonal relationships, or building relationships with other groups in your organization.

Unlike many consulting firms, we stay with you and your team. We are not event driven. We measure progress several months later to validate improvement and determine what’s next. We then create a customized program to take the team to the next level of success.

We are known for our ability to create highly engaging team building programs. We get serious work done in an environment that fosters fun, creativity, cooperation, pride, and a genuine desire to want to have a bigger impact and play a much bigger game!  

Are you ready to take your organization to the next level?
“In my role as CIO, I invited FASTLANE to work with me and my team to accelerate our progress on our path to building a high performing IT team. FASTLANE’S work exceeded my expectations.
CIOSchweitzer-Mauduit International Inc